

Wedding Reception Groom Dress in 5 Steps

5 steps to cut a dashing figure with your bride
As soon as a woman thinks of marriage, she starts planning her wedding dress. This often leaves the groom little uneasy over the attention given to just a dress. But it is her day and no one can steal it from her. But by dressing up yourself, you can make her walk down the aisle a little more reassured and happier. It never hurts to know a little about fashion to understand what will look good on you and how to dress decently on your big day. With just 5 steps, you can over talk the salesman at the tuxedo store who specializes in selling wedding reception grooms dress.

‘The Wedding Attire’ Step 1:
Tuxedos have been worn by grooms for generations. First there was the traditional long tail tuxedo that has been modified to new cuts and new looks to add flair to the attire. Depending on the weather and time of the wedding you have two options:

The morning suit:
Traditionally weddings were a daytime event with the bride and the groom leaving at 3 p.m. If you are planning on tying the nuptials before the strike of noon, go for the morning suit. A morning suit flaunts a coat with a penguin tail, matched with either plain or pin-striped grey, black or blue pants. A wing-collar shirt, with a covering waistcoat and a cravat completes the attire. Additionally you can add the Ascot top-hat but it adds aplomb to the whole look that you can do without.

Black-Tie evening suit:
If you are not sure you can carry off the traditional ‘top hat and tails’ attire, go for the more modern black-tie wedding attire. Here you have two options; you can either select the black tuxedo jacket or the white tuxedo jacket. Either of two makes an excellent choice; but time, season and your color preference can be the final deciding factor. Depending on the formality of the wedding, you can choose between the traditional pleated shirt and the collared shirt for the formal shirt. It is also advisable to get two of the same shirt for the wedding if you sweat a lot and need to change before the reception.

Wedding Reception Groom Accessories Step 2:
By accessories I do not mean jewelry of any kind which is totally up to you, though I would not recommend giving your bride any competition in that area. Add the side dishes to your suit:

Neckwear: To complete the formal attire, you have two options for the tie-the less formal long tie and the traditional bow tie. Depending on the level of formality, you can choose the ultra formal white tie, the formal black tie or colored tie for different occasions.

Vest: Vests or waistcoats add flair to your suit. Here again you have two options: the backless waistcoat or the full backed vest depending on your comfort level.

Shoes: A simple patent leather shoe is what you need for your wedding. They should be elegant and compliment your whole look but above all they must be super comfortable. If you have one in good condition, then all you need to do is get them polished to shine.
Stud sets: Studs sets are a man’s jewelry. They are small pieces of jewelry on the formal shirt, used in lieu of buttons. Stud sets add elegance to your attire and are an exception to man wearing jewelry.

Comfort Step 3:
You don’t want to look like the first time you wore a tuxedo. Or if this is the first time, you don’t want this to show in the way you walk, stand and even dance. Give out proper measurement to the tailor-waist size, jacket size, upper arms, inseam and thighs. To make sure that it fits you properly, try it on one week in advance. If you think there is a problem and you cannot figure it out, tell that to the tailor or figure it out on your own:

• Your jacket should allow you full movement, buttoned or unbuttoned. Try swinging your arms and shaking hands with imaginary people while trying it on.

• The formal shirt should not be too tight around the neck. You should be able to slide a finger between the neck and the collar.

• The vest should be easily button up and end just below the waistband. If you are planning on removing your jacket sometime during the wedding, a full back vest would be advisable.
• Your pants should end at about 1/3 of the shoe.

• Make sure that whatever you try is comfortable, specially the shoes. When trying, move around a lot and try different actions. Also keep on the trials for a few minutes to check for signs of discomfort.

Personal Hygiene Step 4:
The bride and the groom are the central figures of the wedding. It is your big day and people will notice if you don’t look neat and clean, specially your bride. The groom needs to shave and shower to look his best. This also includes proper undergarments- black socks, underwear and white undershirt. All these undergarments should be new or at least should not be sporting any stains. Remember, you won’t have time later on the day to cater to all this.

Own your dress Step 5:
Lastly, just make sure that whatever you wear suits you and adapts to your style like second nature. You do not want to look misfit on the most important day of your life. Show your bride the best side of you by just giving required attention to wedding reception groom dress information given above.

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